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ultimate asp net core web api second edition pdf

After that, we wrap the collection and create links that are important for the entire collection by calling the CreateLinksForEmployees method. }.ToString()); } }); }); } } In the code above, weve created an extension method in which weve registered the UseExceptionHandler middleware. An IoC container is essentially a factory that is responsible for providing instances of the types that are requested from it. This will help us during application deployment. This document should be created at the api root, so lets start by creating a new controller: [Route("api")] [ApiController] public class RootController : ControllerBase { } We are going to generate links towards the API actions. We're not saying that the website is the same as a REST API, but you get the point. Of course, if you change v1 to v2 in the URL, you are going to see all the controllers including v2 companies, but without v1 companies. Performance tests might come in handy even if we do implement it. By using async programming, we can avoid performance bottlenecks and enhance the responsiveness of our application. ASP.NET Core is an open source framework from Microsoft that makes it easy to build highly efficient and dynamic cross-platform web applications. In the second example, we remove the name property, thus setting its value to default. Every topic is there. Filtering helps us get the exact result set we want instead of all the results without any criteria. Free .NET Core eBook, including ASP.NET Core and EF Core - Andrew Lock With the private cache, if five clients request the same response for the first time, every response will be served from the API and not from the cache. Since we have two Janas, they were sorted by Age descending. Lets begin with the UserForAuthenticationDto class: public class UserForAuthenticationDto { [Required(ErrorMessage = "User name is required")] public string UserName { get; set; } [Required(ErrorMessage = "Password name is required")] public string Password { get; set; } } We are going to have some complex logic for the authentication and the token generation actions; therefore, it is best to extract these actions in another service. The partial update isnt the only difference between PATCH and PUT. A server does not explicitly specify where it formats a response to JSON. By inheriting from the RepositoryBase class, they will have access to all the methods from it. So, lets open the ServiceExtensions class and add the additional method: public static void ConfigureSqlContext(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration) => services.AddDbContext(opts => opts.UseSqlServer(configuration.GetConnectionString("sqlConnection"))); With the help of the IConfiguration configuration parameter, we can use the GetConnectionString method to access the connection string from the appsettings.json file. Pay attention to the way we fetch the company and the way we fetch the employeeEntity . Modifying response codes or HTTP Verbs. It is obvious that we have to change something in our implementation if we dont want to repeat our code while implementing sorting for the Company entity. This books is absolutely the right thing for you. Now we can write queries with searchTerm=name in them. Lets create a Utility folder in the Extensions folder with the new class OrderQueryBuilder : Now, lets modify that class: public static class OrderQueryBuilder { public static string CreateOrderQuery(string orderByQueryString) { var orderParams = orderByQueryString.Trim().Split(','); var propertyInfos = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance); var orderQueryBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var param in orderParams) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(param)) continue; var propertyFromQueryName = param.Split(" ")[0]; var objectProperty = propertyInfos.FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Name.Equals(propertyFromQueryName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (objectProperty == null) continue; var direction = param.EndsWith(" desc") ? They are separated between Allowed requests, which all start with the XRate-Limit and Disallowed requests. We will also learn how to register different services and how to use extension methods to achieve this. But you already know all that. If the fieldsString is not empty, we split it and check if the fields match the properties in our entity. We can move on. The payload contains some attributes about the logged-in user. As a result, we can see 204 , which means that the entity has been updated. Controllers should only be responsible for handling requests, model validation, and returning responses to the frontend or some HTTP client. 17.2 How is Filtering Different from Searching? But we can restrict this behavior by adding one line to the configuration: services.AddControllers(config => { config.RespectBrowserAcceptHeader = true; config.ReturnHttpNotAcceptable = true; }).AddXmlDataContractSerializerFormatters(); 74 We added the ReturnHttpNotAcceptable = true option, which tells the server that if the client tries to negotiate for the media type the server doesnt support, it should return the 406 Not Acceptable status code. It parses the input string and returns just the properties we need to return to the controller: private IEnumerable GetRequiredProperties(string fieldsString) { var requiredProperties = new List(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldsString)) { var fields = fieldsString.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (var field in fields) { var property = Properties .FirstOrDefault(pi => pi.Name.Equals(field.Trim(), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (property == null) continue; requiredProperties.Add(property); } } else { requiredProperties = Properties.ToList(); } return requiredProperties; } As you can see, theres nothing special about it. Hence, it is very important to describe our response types. That service is provided by Identity and it provides APIs for managing users. We can even limit the number of requests for a specific resource in our API; for example, 50 requests to api/companies . Want to learn more about building APIs and getting a six-figure income? As with all other functionalities, we need to be careful when and if we should implement data shaping. By using those keywords, we can easily write asynchronous methods without too much effort. Email. Before we start, lets open Postman and modify the settings to support caching: 225 In the General tab under Headers, we are going to turn off the Send nocache header: Great. Just getting something to work is not enough for me. Lets test this: https://localhost:5001/api/companies/53a1237a-3ed3-4462-b9f0-5a7bb1056a33/employees/80ABBCA8-664D4B20-B5DE-024705497D4A 122 Great. We can use the Swashbuckle package to easily integrate Swagger into our .NET Core Web API project. Right click on your Main project ThirdPartyAPIExample and select Add >> New Item.An "Add New Item" dialog box will open. Docker images and containers are rapidly becomingTHE wayto do software development. "); return NotFound(); } var employeeDb = _repository.Employee.GetEmployee(companyId, id, trackChanges: false); if(employeeDb == null) { _logger.LogInfo($"Employee with id: {id} doesn't exist in the database. They add routing and authorization features to our application, respectively. We are going to talk more about that in a minute. So, lets do that: public interface ICompanyRepository { Task GetAllCompaniesAsync(bool trackChanges); Task GetCompanyAsync(Guid companyId, bool trackChanges); void CreateCompany(Company company); Task GetByIdsAsync(IEnumerable ids, bool trackChanges); void DeleteCompany(Company company); } The Create and Delete method signatures are left synchronous. Code Maze - Ultimate #aspnetcore 3 Web API eBook is LIVE! | Facebook That said, we have to register our custom media types for the json and xml formats. On top of that, REST APIs have become a defacto standard in the industry because of their ability to decouple backend and frontend parts of the application and the ability to serve thousands of clients simultaneously. After reading, youll gain enough knowledge to tackle the creation of your own, production-ready, REST API. Now, you may think that we have to write a completely new action and also repeat all the code inside, but that is not the case. You can add whatever you want to test the results: https://localhost:5001/api/companies/C9D4C053-49B6-410C-BC78-2D54A9991870/employees Great, now we have the required data to test our functionality properly. Developers love ASP.NET Core for its libraries and pre-built components that maximize productivity. 7.2 Changing the Default Configuration of Our Project 7.3 Testing Content Negotiation 7.4 Restricting Media Types 7.5 More About Formatters 7.6 Implementing a Custom Formatter8 Method Safety and Method Idempotency9 Creating Resources 9.1 Handling POST Requests 9.2 Code Explanation 9.3 Creating a Child Resource 9.4 Creating Children Resources Together with a Parent 9.5 Creating a Collection of Resources 9.6 Model Binding in API10 Working with DELETE Requests 10.1 Deleting a Parent Resource with its Children11 Working with PUT Requests 11.1 Updating Employee 11.1.1 About the Update Method from the RepositoryBase Class 11.2 Inserting Resources while Updating One12 Working With PATCH Requests 12.1 Applying PATCH to the Employee Entity13 Validation 13.1 Validation while Creating Resource 13.1.1 Validating Int Type 13.2 Validation for PUT Requests 13.3 Validation for PATCH Requests14 Asynchronous Code 14.1 What is Asynchronous Programming? It is general advice to use async code wherever it is possible, but if we notice that our async code runes slower, we should switch back to the sync one. After that, we map the DTO object to the User object and call the CreateAsync method to create that specific user in the database. [MaxLength(20, ErrorMessage = "Maximum length for the Position is 20 characters.")] Its purpose is to tell us if the max-age is indeed greater then min-age. Now, we have to modify the IDataShaper interface and the DataShaper class by replacing all Entity usage with ShapedEntity . Swagger Specification is an important part of the Swagger flow. Lets move on. Ultimate ASP.NET Core 3 Web API - Lenbooks About This Video. It provides a rich set of services that help us with creating users, hashing their passwords, creating a database model, and the authentication overall. true : false; var companyId = (Guid)context.ActionArguments["companyId"]; var company = await _repository.Company.GetCompanyAsync(companyId, false); if (company == null) { _logger.LogInfo($"Company with id: {companyId} doesn't exist in the database. We can use it for version 1.0, though. In the first one named Contracts , we are going to keep our interfaces. In the section where we configured JWT, we had to use a secret key that we placed in the environment file. "); return Unauthorized(); } return Ok(new { Token = await _authManager.CreateToken() }); } } There is really nothing special in this controller. As soon as we send our HTTP request, the MVC framework parses that request and tries to match it to an action in the controller. So, lets modify the IEmployeeRepository interface: public interface IEmployeeRepository { IEnumerable GetEmployees(Guid companyId, bool trackChanges); Employee GetEmployee(Guid companyId, Guid id, bool trackChanges); void CreateEmployeeForCompany(Guid companyId, Employee employee); void DeleteEmployee(Employee employee); } The next step for us is to modify the EmployeeRepository class: public void DeleteEmployee(Employee employee) { Delete(employee); } Finally, we can add a delete action to the controller class: [HttpDelete("{id}")] public IActionResult DeleteEmployeeForCompany(Guid companyId, Guid id) { var company = _repository.Company.GetCompany(companyId, trackChanges: false); if(company == null) { _logger.LogInfo($"Company with id: {companyId} doesn't exist in the database. So lets start. This course will teach you all you need to know to build personal or commercial applications using Asp.Net Core (.NET 5) Web API as your development framework. Being a junior developer is hard, too. But if we want to find the most relevant topic for us, we dont know what were going to find, or maybe were first-time visitors to a large website, were probably going to use a search field. To validate against validation rules applied by Data Annotation attributes, we are going to use the concept of ModelState . After the folder creation, lets right-click on the main project in the Solution Explorer window and click publish option: 278 In the Pick a publish target window, we are going to choose the Folder option and point to the location of the Publish folder we just created: Publish windows can be different depending on the Visual Studio version. We dont use the web.config file anymore, but instead, use a built-in Configuration framework that comes out-of-the-box in .NET Core. 119 To prevent this type of behavior, we have to modify the data annotation attribute on top of the Age property in the EmployeeForCreationDto class: [Range(18, int.MaxValue, ErrorMessage = "Age is required and it can't be lower than 18")] public int Age { get; set; } Now, lets try to send the same request one more time: https://localhost:5001/api/companies/53a1237a-3ed3-4462-b9f0-5a7bb1056a33/employees Now, we have the Age error message in our response. Without it, a REST API cannot be considered RESTful and many of the benefits we get by implementing a REST architecture are unavailable. If its not, we want to let the API user know that he/she is doing something wrong. Everyone that purchases any of our products can contact us anytime over email. Ultimate ASP.NET 5 Web API Development Guide [Video] - Packt Check out: OUR BOOK: https://code-maze.com/ultimate-aspnet-core-3-web-api/?source=y. Now we can copy the location link from the Headers tab, paste it in another Postman tab, and just add the /employees part: We have confirmed that the employees were created as well. Because our entity has a modified state, it is enough to call the Save method without any additional update actions. Learn about API caching, versioning and request rate throttling, and understand .NET 6 workflows, tools and application development. Thats it. It will give you better insight into what we cover in the book and how we do that. That way, we can observe how the application behaves in a production environment from the beginning of the development process. So, by using DTO, the result will stay as it was before the model changes. Let us ask you something: If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then this is the right book and program for you. But for bigger apps, we recommend creating a service layer and transferring all the mappings and data shaping logic inside it. We are not talking about sorting algorithms nor are we going into the hows of implementing a sorting algorithm. You cannot access www.udemy.com. Simply put, we use links to traverse the internet or rather the resources on the internet. For those who want more. If we take a look at the Company class, we can see different data annotation attributes above our properties: Those attributes serve the purpose to validate our model object while creating or updating resources in the database. 254 We can now modify the ServiceExtensions class: public static void ConfigureJWT(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration) { var jwtSettings = configuration.GetSection("JwtSettings"); var secretKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SECRET"); services.AddAuthentication(opt => { opt.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme; opt.DefaultChallengeScheme = JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme; }) .AddJwtBearer(options => { options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters { ValidateIssuer = true, ValidateAudience = true, ValidateLifetime = true, ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true, ValidIssuer = jwtSettings.GetSection("validIssuer").Value, ValidAudience = jwtSettings.GetSection("validAudience").Value, IssuerSigningKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(secretKey)) }; }); } First, we extract the JwtSettings from the appsettings.json file and extract our environment variable (If you keep getting null for the secret key, try restarting the Visual Studio or even your computer). "); return BadRequest("Company collection is null"); } var companyEntities = _mapper.Map(companyCollection); foreach (var company in companyEntities) { _repository.Company.CreateCompany(company); } await _repository.SaveAsync(); var companyCollectionToReturn = _mapper.Map(companyEntities); var ids = string.Join(",", companyCollectionToReturn.Select(c => c.Id)); return CreatedAtRoute("CompanyCollection", new { ids }, companyCollectionToReturn); } DeleteCompany: [HttpDelete("{id}")] public async Task DeleteCompany(Guid id) { var company = await _repository.Company.GetCompanyAsync(id, trackChanges: false); if(company == null) { _logger.LogInfo($"Company with id: {id} doesn't exist in the database. But not all the properties will be mapped as columns. If it is not, we move on. Now by changing the Accept header from text/xml to text/json , we can get differently formatted responses and that is quite awesome, wouldnt you agree? We can add the following options to enable the server to format the XML response when the client tries negotiating for it: public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.ConfigureCors(); services.ConfigureIISIntegration(); services.ConfigureLoggerService(); services.ConfigureSqlContext(Configuration); services.ConfigureRepositoryManager(); services.AddAutoMapper(typeof(Startup)); services.AddControllers(config => { config.RespectBrowserAcceptHeader = true; }).AddXmlDataContractSerializerFormatters(); } First things first, we must tell a server to respect the Accept header. There are six different operations for a PATCH request: OPERATION REQUEST BODY EXPLANATION { Add "op": "add", "path": "/name", "value": "new value" Assigns a new value to a required property. The previous cache servers we presented are free to use. Freelancing Unleashed. 25.6.1 Configuration We can globally configure our expiration and validation headers. Lets send the same request one more time, but this time with the different accept header (text/xml): 189 As you can see, it works but it looks pretty ugly and unreadable. We are going to modify the code, step by step, to show you how easy is to convert synchronous code to asynchronous code. One thing to note is that well be using the System.Linq.Dynamic.Core NuGet package to dynamically create our OrderBy query on the fly. This course will help you build a fully data-driven REST web API using cutting-edge technology. Now we can continue. That said, lets create a new controller and name it EmployeesController : [Route("api/companies/{companyId}/employees")] [ApiController] public class EmployeesController : ControllerBase { private readonly IRepositoryManager _repository; private readonly ILoggerManager _logger; private readonly IMapper _mapper; public EmployeesController(IRepositoryManager repository, ILoggerManager logger, IMapper mapper) { _repository = repository; _logger = logger; _mapper = mapper; } } We are familiar with this code, but our main route is a bit different. Now, lets implement this profile on top of the Companies controller: [Route("api/companies")] 228 [ApiController] [ResponseCache(CacheProfileName = "120SecondsDuration")] We have to mention that this cache rule will apply to all the actions inside the controller except the ones that already have the ResponseCache attribute applied. To create a new project, right-click on the solution window, choose Add and then NewProject. Moreover, requirements change over time thus, our API has to change as well. There is a high demand across the world for .NET developers in a variety of industries. One more request with the paging and filtering: https://localhost:5001/api/companies/C9D4C053-49B6-410C-BC782D54A9991870/employees?pageNumber=1&pageSize=4&minAge=32&maxAge=35&searchTerm=MA And this works as well. That means that our route for this action is going to be: api/companies/{companyId}/employees/{id}. Everything is working well. Lets send our request one more time: https://localhost:5001/api/companies/53a1237a-3ed3-4462-b9f0-5a7bb1056a33/employees Lets send an additional request to test the max length rule: https://localhost:5001/api/companies/53a1237a-3ed3-4462-b9f0-5a7bb1056a33/employees Excellent. 60 Now, we need to modify it: public static class ExceptionMiddlewareExtensions { public static void ConfigureExceptionHandler(this IApplicationBuilder app, ILoggerManager logger) { app.UseExceptionHandler(appError => { appError.Run(async context => { context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError; context.Response.ContentType = "application/json"; var contextFeature = context.Features.Get(); if (contextFeature != null) { logger.LogError($"Something went wrong: {contextFeature.Error}"); await context.Response.WriteAsync(new ErrorDetails() { StatusCode = context.Response.StatusCode, Message = "Internal Server Error." This is great content created by the Code Maze team. Once the work is done, a thread is going back to the thread pool. .NET Consultant, ASG Software Services, Inc. Its been four years that I am working as a Software Engineer. So, lets first create a RequestFeatures folder in the Entities project and then inside, create the required classes: public abstract class RequestParameters { const int maxPageSize = 50; public int PageNumber { get; set; } = 1; private int _pageSize = 10; public int PageSize { get { return _pageSize; } set { _pageSize = (value > maxPageSize) ? To do that, we are going to add a new method in the ServiceExtensions class: public static void ConfigureSwagger(this IServiceCollection services) { services.AddSwaggerGen(s => { 267 s.SwaggerDoc("v1", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Code Maze API", Version = "v1" }); s.SwaggerDoc("v2", new OpenApiInfo { Title = "Code Maze API", Version = "v2" }); }); } We are creating two versions of SwaggerDoc because if you remember, we have two versions for the Companies controller and we want to separate them in our documentation. Search for jobs related to Ultimate asp.net core 3 web api pdf download or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 20m+ jobs. Here are the things we can expect to get when we implement HATEOAS: API becomes self-discoverable and explorable. If an exception occurs, we are going to return the internal server error with the status code 500. In this situation, the OK method returns all the companies and also the status code 200 which stands for OK . There is a better and cleaner way to map our classes and that is by using the Automapper. Now, lets run the application once again and explore the Swagger UI: For enabling XML comments, we need to do the following steps: In the Build tab of the main project properties, check the box labeled XML documentation file. One more thing. 44 As you can see, we have injected our repository inside the controller; this is a good practice for an application of this size. It has two arguments one for the list of employees as IQueryable and the other for the ordering query. 150 Mind you, we dont want to change the base repository logic or implement any business logic in the controller. 81 With all of that said and done, lets continue by modifying the ICompanyRepository interface: public interface ICompanyRepository { IEnumerable GetAllCompanies(bool trackChanges); Company GetCompany(Guid companyId, bool trackChanges); void CreateCompany(Company company); } After the interface modification, we are going to implement that interface: public void CreateCompany(Company company) => Create(company); We dont explicitly generate a new Id for our company; this would be done by EF Core. They serve the purpose of storing rate limit counters and policies as well as adding configuration. public string Position { get; set; } } 121 We create this class as an abstract class because we want our creation and update DTO classes to inherit from it: public class EmployeeForUpdateDto : EmployeeForManipulationDto { } public class EmployeeForCreationDto : EmployeeForManipulationDto { } Now, we can modify the UpdateEmployeeForCompany action by adding the model validation right after the null check: if(employee == null) { _logger.LogError("EmployeeForUpdateDto object sent from client is null. This workbook provides exactly that for you. 118 The same actions can be applied for the CreateCompany action and CompanyForCreationDto class and if you check the source code for this chapter, you will find it implemented. Therefore, we have to check if our parameter is the same type. Ultimate ASP.NET Core Web API (PDF) Full Source Code for each chapter. We can now protect our endpoints. So, lets add one. So, lets start with the validation code from the POST and PUT actions. But we are also missing one important part. I wont go into the details of what this book offers, you can read them on their website, but for a small fee, you will save a lot of time, mistakes, and money. Also, it could take a lot of time that could be spent on different features of an application. It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. The guys from Code Maze did an excellent job of packing a plethora of information in 400 pages book, that would get you on the right track. But we need to modify our ConfigureSqlContext method first: public static void ConfigureSqlContext(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration configuration) => services.AddDbContext(opts => opts.UseSqlServer(configuration.GetConnectionString("sqlConnection"), b => b.MigrationsAssembly("CompanyEmployees"))); We have to make this change because migration assembly is not in our main project, but in the Entities project. No, not yet. It is going to have just one Get action: [ApiVersion("2.0")] [Route("api/companies")] [ApiController] public class CompaniesV2Controller : ControllerBase { private readonly IRepositoryManager _repository; public CompaniesV2Controller(IRepositoryManager repository) { _repository = repository; } [HttpGet] public async Task GetCompanies() { var companies = await _repository.Company.GetAllCompaniesAsync(trackChanges: false); return Ok(companies); } } By using the [ApiVersion(2.0)] attribute, we are stating that this controller is version 2.0. method - we need an HTTP method to know how to distinguish the same target URIs. Excellent job. If we want our API to support content negotiation for a type that is not in the box, we need to have a mechanism to do this. Of course, if this doesnt check out, the new response must be generated. 83 If you take a look at the request URI, youll see that we use the same one as for the GetCompanies action: api/companies but this time we are using the POST request. Therefore, we have to inject LinkGenerator : [Route("api")] [ApiController] public class RootController : ControllerBase { private readonly LinkGenerator _linkGenerator; public RootController(LinkGenerator linkGenerator) { _linkGenerator = linkGenerator; } } In this controller, we only need a single action, GetRoot , which will be executed with the GET request on the /api URI. Updated for Python 3.8,the recipes cater to the busy modern programmer,2nd Edition 2020-09-13; C# Machine Learning . We need to do that in order to shape our data the way we want it. The Startup class is mandatory in ASP.NET Core Web API projects. After the installation, we are going to locate the Windows hosts file on C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc and add the following record at the end of the file: www.companyemployees.codemaze After that, we are going to save the file. We should always try to deploy an application on at least a local machine to somehow simulate the production environment as soon as we start with development. 25.1.2 Response Cache Attribute So, to cache some resources, we have to know whether or not its cacheable. So, lets create a new class in the Entities/DataTransferObjects folder: public class CompanyForCreationDto { public string Name { get; set; } public string Address { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } } We can see that this DTO class is almost the same as the Company class but without the Id property. Observe how the application behaves in a production environment from the beginning of the types that requested. 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