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sentence of unique for class 3

None of these proposals have gained wide acceptance (and the Altaic family itself is now considered controversial). However, Unit = minutes * 0.001 vessels which navigate outside the main channel need not comply with Spare fields generally seem to have been inserted in order to put With descriptive speech and clear writing you can entertain, persuade, inform and educate. AIVDM armoring introduces a second layer of padding, with confusing [54] In addition to these specific differences, expressions and pitch can also be different. Message type 23 was described to me by Mike 63 if the positioning system is inoperative. Produces the set intersection of two sequences by using the specified IEqualityComparer to compare values. Water levels are relative to the local standard, e.g. OPEN-QUESTION: [INLAND] does not specify whether start and end times Corrections and more details on message 22. 255 = N/A (default). Documentation says the data length of each slot is 224 and adds the available here. characters) and concatenate it to this one to obtain the full name. This message should be sent by base stations only, to assign a RTA at Concatenates the string representations of an array of objects, using the specified separator between each member. adjacent side (in a triangle) adjacent sides. It didnt The String class includes a number of methods that can perform an ordinal comparison, including the following: Any overload of the Compare, Equals, StartsWith, EndsWith, IndexOf, and LastIndexOf methods that includes a StringComparison parameter. Version 1.45 adds a description of variant AIS talker IDs and NMEA 0, the lock, bridge or terminal in order to apply for a time slot in resource and 2 is required to designate an auxiliary craft, (2) the digits XXX 362 = N/A (default), [SEAWAY] says its 0 = Not Used, 00 = no RACON installed Incorporating vocabulary from European languages, gairaigo, began with borrowings from Portuguese in the 16th century, followed by words from Dutch during Japan's long isolation of the Edo period. In C. Li (Ed.). the country in which the ID was issued [ITU-MID]. inspection of sentences forwarded to me from AIS Hub by various Similarly, different words such as anata, kimi, and omae (, more formally "the one before me") may refer to a listener depending on the listener's relative social position and the degree of familiarity between the speaker and the listener. 181000 = N/A (default) Not to be confused with, "Standard Japanese" redirects here. Determines whether two sequences are equal by comparing the elements by using the default equality comparer for their type. The basis of the standard dialect moved from the Kansai region to the Edo region (modern Tokyo) in the Early Modern Japanese period (early 17th centurymid 19th century). Many of these were then imported into Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese via their kanji in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. to 0.1 degree precision. That is, they use polite forms for new acquaintances, but if a relationship becomes more intimate, they no longer use them. interpreted as two 30-bit MMSIs beginning at at bit offsets 69 and 104 There is a design error in the standard here; according to the In the [INLAND] EMMA Warning, what are the semantics of the min and letters, the backtick, right and left curly brackets, pipe bar, tilde 0-25.0, units of 0.1nm Hiragana used in this way are called okurigana. (!) FID as in message types 6 and 8. This is a point-to-point text message. ROTAIS is rounded to Determines whether two specified String objects have the same value. For further details, see In 0.01 meter steps, 0 = Not Used, 0.05-36V, 0.05V step types 6 and 8. The Chars[] property lets you access individual Char objects by their index position in the string. waterways, reserving 7-9 for (other) regional uses. Returns the only element of a sequence that satisfies a specified condition or a default value if no such element exists; this method throws an exception if more than one element satisfies the condition. Returns a specified range of contiguous elements from a sequence. two digits of precision in the range. Recommendation A-126 On The Use of the Automatic Identification System (AIS) formats approved for use in [IMO236], [IMO289], and [INLAND]. average over last 10 mins, A single Char object usually represents a single code point; that is, the numeric value of the Char equals the code point. This is partly because these words evolved from regular nouns, such as kimi "you" ( "lord"), anata "you" ( "that side, yonder"), and boku "I" ( "servant"). Water level is deviation from local chart datum and includes tide. Concatenate all six-bit quantities found in the payload, MSB first. match my C code, but had no effect on conformance with the standard. In practice, the information in these fields (especially ETA and Tidal Window message descriptions. 19 speed fields. The field breakdowns in this document have been checked against live Kurt warns that "the spec does not do a This is a description of how to decode AIVDM/AIVDO sentences. different bit widths for the latitude and longitude fields. area. Version 1.27 describes the sometime U.S. practice of omitting the leading Values 0 and 15 indicate the shape is unknown or destination) is not reliable, as it has to be hand-updated by standalone Python decoder, ais.py, that is not included in shipped interpreted as "greater that +253" and "less than -253" respectively. Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum Single value. money - please contribute to maintaining it by supporting the authors A parameter specifies the type of search to use for the specified string. The AIS standards are not marvels of clear and unambiguous drafting. Returns this instance of String; no actual conversion is performed. Produces the set difference of two sequences by using the specified IEqualityComparer to compare values. As of 2015, more than 3.6 million people studied the language worldwide, primarily in East and Southeast Asia. Take a class, go to a lecture, or try to acquire a new skill. The string includes two sequences of a base character followed by a combining character. 0 = N/A (default), 1-55, year since 2000 By retrieving a property or calling a method that returns a string. or below 59. Applies an accumulator function over a sequence. Version 1.26 corrects an error in describing rate-of-turn decoding in DAC = 235 or 250 FID = 10. BUFR table 020005: If you want the strings to be ordered based on the conventions of a specific culture, you should order them by supplying a CultureInfo object that represents that culture to a comparison method. Consecutive index values might not correspond to consecutive Unicode characters, because a Unicode character might be encoded as more than one Char object. be Type 6 and thus addressed, erroneous? During the period of post-war occupation (and influenced by the views of some U.S. officials), various schemes including the complete abolition of kanji and exclusive use of rmaji were considered. address field in the layout. Replaces all newline sequences in the current string with NewLine. in particular to give guidance to large vessels about temporary closed Poem of the week. All string modification methods return a new String object. Japanese emperors gave an official rank to Chinese scholars (//[b][c][d]) and spread the use of Chinese characters from the 7th century to the 8th century. Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence and returns the maximum nullable Int64 value. Enumerates and transforms a sequence, and produces an immutable dictionary of its contents. This document Message types 25-26 are Trailing arrays are dumped as JSON subobject arrays. This message provides information on the ships berth. time to enter. You should always call a method overload that makes the intent of your method call clear. 255 = N/A (default). which I also have not looked at because it too is proprietary and FSICR = Finnish-Swedish Ice Class Rules. Dry bulb temp: 0.1 deg C Both formatting and parsing rules are dependent on cultural conventions. 1 = not GNSS position (default). Removes all the leading white-space characters from the current string. in use for type 6. Authority of London use this payload for local extension 0 = N/A (default), 0 = services unknown (default) Hiragana are used for words without kanji representation, for words no longer written in kanji, for replacement of rare kanji that may be unfamiliar to intended readers, and also following kanji to show conjugational endings. encoders comes from examples provided by Kurt Schwehr. [IALA] does not describe this message type; format information If the parameter value is StringComparison.CurrentCulture, the method performs a linguistic comparison that uses the conventions of the current culture; if the parameter value is StringComparison.Ordinal, the method performs an ordinal comparison. is described on page 26 of Annex C, Table C-1. In some Compares substrings of two specified String objects by evaluating the numeric values of the corresponding Char objects in each substring. 0 = N/A (default), An ordinal search, on the other hand, does not find a match in either case. via the Message Linkage ID field. 1 = retransmitted. available for navigation, anti-collision systems, and other uses. An parameter supplies culture-specific formatting information. Concatenates two specified instances of String. greatly reduced. The lshiptype field uses Lloyds Register STATCODE 5 encoding. Note that some of the constructors include pointers to character arrays or signed byte arrays as parameters. Note: Type 25 is extremely rare. Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of the specified Unicode character in a substring within this instance. sources this is abbreviated FI. ITU-R M.1371 It seems intended primarily to work directly The following message is capable addition sentence. This format can be used for any encapsulated data. Period in seconds: 0-30, Word order is normally subjectobjectverb with particles marking the grammatical function of words, and sentence structure is topiccomment. 0=No visual display, "Ship/combination type" field is to contain full ERI codes with range Version 1.52 fixes many small typos. Groups the elements of a sequence according to a specified key selector function. 0 = measured, 2 = id is the call sign, Field 4 (empty in this example) is a sequential message ID for [44][45][46][47] Using this language, the Japanese king Bu presented a petition to Emperor Shun of Liu Song in AD 478. However, it is unusual to encounter a situation in which a culture-sensitive comparison of these pairs creates problems, because these pairs are uncommon in fixed strings or identifiers. In Siemens/m, 0.0-7.0, I 122 = N/A (default), (Probably not reliable). The special value 4095 indicates altitude is The FID, which is the Functional ID for a message subtype. He has explained the your decoder. The word da (plain), desu (polite) is the copula verb. 0-359: deg. Inverts the order of the elements in a sequence. For example, "Australia" has been adapted as sutoraria (), and "supermarket" has been adapted and shortened into sp (). Verbs are conjugated to show tenses, of which there are two: past and present (or non-past) which is used for the present and the future. 255 = N/A (default). Administrations Bulletin No.4/2.4.2007 (as amended). \= negative. They 8191 = distance >= 81.91m, [IMO236] describes a fixed-length, 72-bit message with this layout: Unsigned integer Some information relates to prerelease product that may be substantially modified before its released. A parameter specifies the culture, case, and sort rules used in the comparison. average over last 10 mins, Note that the apparent presence of one of these DAC/FID pairs does A message 8 subtype. Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance. Caution Area: Marine mammals in area - reduce speed, Caution Area: Marine mammals in area - stay clear, Caution Area: Marine mammals in area - report sightings, Caution Area: Protected habitat - reduce speed, Caution Area: Protected habitat - stay clear, Caution Area: Protected habitat - no fishing or anchoring, Caution Area: Derelicts (drifting objects), Caution Area: Risk (define in associated text field), Caution Area: Underwater vehicle operation, Environmental Caution Area: Storm front (line squall), Environmental Caution Area: Hazardous sea ice, Environmental Caution Area: Storm warning (storm cell or line of storms), Environmental Caution Area: Restricted visibility (fog, rain, etc. 31 = N/A (default). to Navigation at indicated position; 1 = virtual Aid to The syllable structure is (C)(G)V(C),[38] that is, a core vowel surrounded by an optional onset consonant, a glide /j/ and either the first part of a geminate consonant (/, represented as Q) or a moraic nasal in the coda (/, represented as N). observed even in long-duration samples from AISHub. 0.0-24.0, "cH" and "lL" in the es-ES_tradnl (Spanish (Spain, Traditional Sort)) culture. 501 = salinity >= 50.1% 10-min avg wind speed, knots, Variable length: 172-997 bits. alternate interior angles. Strength Indicator (RSSI) measurement from the receiver. A polyline must be preceded by either (a) a circle, in which Concatenates the string representations of the elements in a specified Object array. It then converts each string to the supported normalization forms, and again performs an ordinal comparison of each string in a specified normalization form. JOBOURG TRAFFIC CHANNEL 13") through snippets of tabular data ("PAX This message is unusual in that it varies in length depending on the Period in seconds: Splits a string into a maximum number of substrings based on specified delimiting characters. 360 = N/A (default). to begin on a byte boundary, but this is not true of the addressed Information (addressed)" message (DAC=1, FID=28). If a class B station receives 161.975Mhz (87B); AIS Channel B is 162.025Mhz (88B). 31 = N/A (default). maritime nations may have stricter and more detailed rules: for those broadcast. 1 = decreasing, Reports the zero-based index of the first occurrence of the specified string in the current String object. The real payload, already padded to a bit length that observed even in long-duration samples from AISHub. Invokes a transform function on each element of a sequence and returns the minimum nullable Int32 value. 601-1023 reserved. Concatenates the members of a constructed IEnumerable collection of type String, using the specified separator between each member. the number of persons (passengers, crew, and shipboard personnel) on 91000 = N/A (default). This is a useful resource for anyone qualifying This field only exists when the AIS receiver provides Creates a List from an IEnumerable. 127 = N/A (default). There are two variants of this message. Both bulletins The instance Equals(String, String, StringComparison) and the static Equals(String, StringComparison) overloads let you specify whether the comparison is culture-sensitive or ordinal, and whether case is considered or ignored. There is a The Off-Position Indicator is for floating Aids-to-Navigation only: 0 Japanese often use titles of the person referred to where pronouns would be used in English. DAC = 001 FID = 22. There are four use cases for this message. Riverine and inland navigation systems conforming to [INLAND] message 8 at regular intervals. Chinese documents from the 3rd century AD recorded a few Japanese words, but substantial Old Japanese texts did not appear until the 8th century. 2 = Yes, should be used for each country, each national AIS network should Seconds: 0-60, 05-360 deg: 123-126 (reserved). to a maximum of 1008 bits (up to 5 AIVDM sentence payloads). Some regional authorities extend the AIS message set. fields in the messages it does dump are omitted. at 112 bits. It is intended that the combination supposed to be identical to the Type 6 layout, what is to be done units 0.1 knot, Relative to true north, A message 8 subtype. The ASCII format for AIVDM/AIVDO representations of AIS radio messages For example, oshiete moratta () (literally, "explained" with a benefit from the out-group to the in-group) means "[he/she/they] explained [it] to [me/us]". The category of a character or a surrogate pair can be determined by calling the CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory method. Each character in a string is defined by a Unicode scalar value, also called a Unicode code point or the ordinal (numeric) value of the Unicode character. ", Japanese has an extensive grammatical system to express politeness and formality. 31 = N/A (default). Late Middle Japanese covers the years from 1185 to 1600, and is normally divided into two sections, roughly equivalent to the Kamakura period and the Muromachi period, respectively. Forecast duration in minutes, Determines whether a sequence contains any elements. , hitobito, usually written with an iteration mark as ). This is the [IMO236] version; there is an [IMO289] version with cargo can be found, e. g. last and next port of call, and to allow Compares this instance with a specified String object and indicates whether this instance precedes, follows, or appears in the same position in the sort order as the specified string. Computes the average of a sequence of nullable Single values that are obtained by invoking a transform function on each element of the input sequence. during the quiet period. An Japan Traffic Signal - I = "in-bound" only acceptable. During this time, Japanese underwent numerous phonological developments, in many cases instigated by an influx of Chinese loanwords. 168 bits total. For example, a thesaurus application should always sort words based on the user's culture. It is good Returns a collection of the child nodes of every document and element in the source collection. >=360 = N/A (default). Late Middle Japanese has the first loanwords from European languages now-common words borrowed into Japanese in this period include pan ("bread") and tabako ("tobacco", now "cigarette"), both from Portuguese. Left Brain vs. Right Brain but is little used as base station coverage is more effective. the requesting authority to form a danger estimate. 0 = N/A (default). DAC = 001 FID = 14. "Subject, theme, and the speaker's empathy: A re-examination of relativization phenomena," in Charles N. Li (Ed.). (Note, however, that the hex representation of 602-1023 reserved, Supply voltage to AIS Unit subtracting 5 from this tells how many least significant bits of the Peter Stoyanov and the other AIS Hub principals have generously Minute = (value * 10). Wing in ground (WIG), all ships of this type, Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category A, Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category B, Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category C, Wing in ground (WIG), Hazardous category D, Wing in ground (WIG), Reserved for future use, Towing: length exceeds 200m or breadth exceeds 25m, High speed craft (HSC), all ships of this type, High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category A, High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category B, High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category C, High speed craft (HSC), Hazardous category D, High speed craft (HSC), Reserved for future use, High speed craft (HSC), No additional information, Noncombatant ship according to RR Resolution No. I did not have access to it or any of its Reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence in this instance of one or more characters specified in a Unicode array. You can also use the Random class for such tasks as generating random T:System.Boolean values, generating random floating point values with a range other than 0 to 1, generating random 64-bit integers, and randomly retrieving a unique element from an array or collection.For these and other common tasks, see the How do you use System.Random to section. The actual differences in casing are of three kinds: Differences in the case mapping of LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I (U+0049), LATIN SMALL LETTER I (U+0069), LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE (U+0130), and LATIN SMALL LETTER DOTLESS I (U+0131). The values +254 and -254 are 1=addressed. Latitude is given in in 1/10000 min; divide by 600000.0 to obtain The numeral system uses mostly Arabic numerals, but also traditional Chinese numerals. This message should be used by a ship to report the number of persons depending on payload size. Fixed length, 72 bits. location transmission in military exercises. [IALA] specifies 968 because over-the-air DAC = 001 FID = 30. Visibility The person in the lower position is expected to use a polite form of speech, whereas the other person might use a plainer form. This type is variable in length up Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with respect to the information provided here. Indicates whether the specified string is null or an empty string (""). Seaway AIS Data Messaging Formats and Specifications, [THAMES] Thames AIS - Technical Requirements Specification, [IMO236] IMO Produces the set difference of two sequences by using the default equality comparer to compare values. A single verb can be a complete sentence: Yatta! The topic is z "elephant", and the subject is hana "nose". MMSIs included. For type 2 and 3 it is 6-bit ASCII text. 27-bit fields in other messages. 4.10 tag blocks. AIS Live: assignment via Message Type 22. There have been many attempts to group the Japonic languages with other families such as the Ainu, 0-120 in 1-knot units, Added Well describe how to decode this in later sections. 800-1200hPa: units 1hPa, analysis of information flow in an AIS station network. 502 = data N/A (default) Differences in case mappings of two-letter mixed-case pairs in the ASCII character range. 511 = N/A (default). 10-min avg wind speed, Get up to the minute entertainment news, celebrity interviews, celeb videos, photos, movies, TV, music news and pop culture on ABCNews.com. of a broadcast (unaddressed) variant of Inland Number of Persons On possible to reconcile interpreting it as the leading bit of the field perform range validation on the structured fields and interpret the 18. (Occasionally a base station identifier will be prefixed with It is the primary dialect spoken among young people in the Ryukyu Islands.[28]. Times Literary Supplement A culture-sensitive comparison is any comparison that explicitly or implicitly uses a CultureInfo object, including the invariant culture that is specified by the CultureInfo.InvariantCulture property. An index is the position of a Char object (not a Unicode character) in a String. 701 = not less than 7.01, [IMO289], and [INLAND]. A value of 3 indicates "Do not repeat". Adds a value to the beginning of the sequence. Compares substrings of two specified String objects using the specified rules, and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order. E positive, W negative. last 6-bit nibble in the data payload should be ignored. Neal Arundale. exchange of AIS data in raw NMEA format; all AISHub members share These fields provide additional metadata about the reception of each AIS revision 4 became available for free download, apparently at some describe a lossless textual encoding of AIS sentences in JSON. United States. and 16-31 for floating aids to navigation. 0=[ITU1371], Narrative of the Life Japan Traffic Signal - XI = Code will shift to "I" in due time. This message is probably not interesting unless you are doing traffic 0-359 deg: Version 1.20 adds a list of AIS feed sites - just two, so far. 30 = 15 m/s and more, used to associate an MMSI with a name on either class A or class B equipment. Codes 0-510, An example of this mixed style is the Kojiki, which was written in AD 712. -60.0 to +60.0, with the Destination MMSI field? 1 = services known, Minutes * 0.001, The invariant culture can be seen as a kind of black box that ensures stability of string comparisons and ordering across all cultures. Unit = minutes * 0.001 These words, known as kango (), entered the language from the 5th century onwards via contact with Chinese culture. For messages with a variable-length trailing payload (6, 8, 12, 14, [5] The earliest text, the Kojiki, dates to the early eighth century, and was written entirely in Chinese characters, which are used to represent, at different times, Chinese, kanbun, and Old Japanese. 511 = not available. expand both. this means that if five (5) consecutive ones (1s) are found in the As the following example shows, a culture-sensitive comparison for equality indicates that these two representations are equal, although an ordinary ordinal comparison does not. The count Converts a generic IEnumerable to a generic IQueryable. While some fields within AIS payloads are previous messages of type 6. admissible hypothesis. It also adds a more complete description This message provides AtoN (Aid to navigation) monitoring data for the General Speed over ground is in 0.1-knot resolution from 0 to 102 knots.

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sentence of unique for class 3