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9 września 2015

who was king before robert baratheon

Daenerys, furious at a further betrayal, orders him arrested. When they go to investigate, they discover that Daenerys has returned on her dragon Drogon.[49]. [8] It was Robert's cousin, Prince Rhaegar Targaryen, who won the final joust of the tourney. Joffrey appears to take some loose inspiration from the Roman emperor Caligula, in terms of his openly insane behavior. Aerys was slain by Ser Jaime Lannister and the city was surrendered to the rebel forces once they arrived. On account of the revelation of Robert's supposed children's true parentage, Stannis declares himself the rightful King after Robert's death as his rightful heir, and begins a campaign to take the Iron Throne. Robert's claim to the Iron Throne was based on the marriage of his grandfather to Princess Rhaelle Targaryen, the daughter of King Aegon V, thus making Robert the legal heir to the Targaryen dynasty if Aerys and all his descendants were killed; however, Robert liked to say that his warhammer was his claim. [98], While riding through the barrowlands, Robert discusses the marriage of the exiled Princess Daenerys Targaryen to Drogo, a khal of the Dothraki, and the king is uncertain about Ned's opinion that the marriage does not represent a danger. Tyrion leads the Targaryen entourage to the Dragonpit. After he killed Shae and his father, Tyrion becomes a broken man: he had lost the will to live. Tyrion starts to bond with Sansa, despite their circumstances. Siblings [32] He loves the song of swords[33] and considers poison to be a coward's weapon. Title Robert grows overly drunk, and is fatally maimed in a fight with a wild boar, though he kills the beast in return. Tyrion's escape also fuels Cersei's paranoia of House Tyrell: a Tyrell coin is found in the cell of an undergaoler named Rugen (who is actually Varys in disguise), leading Cersei to believe that the Tyrells, particularly Margaery, might have conspired with Tyrion to murder Joffrey and helped him escape by bribing the guards, maybe even conspired to kill Tywin too. Jon later visits Tyrion in his cell and they speak of Daenerys's actions. Instead, Jon, Eddard (now Lord of Winterfell) and Robert raised the standards of rebellion. Robert Baratheon Robert fell in love with Lyanna Stark, Eddard's younger sister. When Yara begrudgingly accepts, Tyrion indicates his approval of the alliance, as Daenerys has negotiated a strong position for herself.[50]. [9], Tyrion is commanded by his father to lead the hill tribes into battle from the front. After reaching manhood, Robert divided his time between Storm's End and the Eyrie. Cersei has several witnesses testify against Tyrion, such as Meryn Trant, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Varys. Not near so bad as Aerys. King Aerys II Targaryen, commonly called the Mad King, was the sixteenth member of House Targaryen to rule from the Iron Throne. Before he dies, he has Ned scribe a document that details that Ned shall be named the Protector of the Realm until Joffrey comes of age. As this occurs around the same time Jaime returns to the capital, Tyrion confers with his uncle Kevan while in custody, and it is Kevan who persuades Tywin to spare Tyrion and send him to the Night's Watch. Cersei Lannister noted that he would sometimes come to her bed drunk and, essentially, rape her (husbands had the right to bed their wives regardless of what the wife says). Daenerys decides she has had enough of clever plans, declaring she will use the Dothraki and her dragons in a direct assault on the Red Keep to destroy her enemies. Tyrion greets them, but they inform him that Prince Doran's declining health prevents him from leaving Sunspear, and therefore he has sent his brother Prince Oberyn Martell to attend King Joffrey's wedding in his stead. [68][69][70], Robert tasked his brother Stannis with building a new royal fleet and capturing Dragonstone, the last Targaryen-loyalist stronghold, where the pregnant Dowager Queen Rhaella Targaryen and her son Viserys remained. This is evident, when he several times advised Daenerys not to resort to violence in order to solve problems (though this was also an attempt to make sure she doesn't become like her father). Bael the Bard He had the habit of laughing loudly of his opponents which earned him his nickname of After Daenerys stops their argument, Tyrion helps her explain their plan to invade Westeros: as Cersei is trying to rally the Lords to defend King's Landing against a foreign army, Daenerys' Unsullied and Dothraki will not attack the city or they will "prove her point. [44][50] During the period in which he was fostered, Robert visited Storm's End on multiple occasions. Daenerys responds she does not lose her temper, to which Tyrion replies she lost it when she killed the Tarlys. After his marriage, Tyrion starts bonding with Sansa and lightly enhances his relationship with her, making crude jokes in an attempt to cheer each other. [8][4] In the first tilt he challenged Ser Robert Ashford. Fat, is it? Street of Seeds - another street in the city. [16] As a young adult, Robert was a handsome,[14] clean-shaven man,[16] with rough and hard hands. [15] Cersei began to loathe her husband,[26] and her cold attitude towards him created a distance between them. [42] As king, Robert is not loath to impose upon the hospitality of his subjects, no matter whether it is voluntarily or forced. Tysha was reported to be the daughter of a crofter rather than a wheelwright (this may have been for the benefit of North American audiences who are less likely to know what a crofter is) and the marriage took place when he was only 13 years old. As well as his relation to Gowen Baratheon, the third son of a Lord of Storm's End[9] reigning roughly at the time when Lyonel was the heir to Storm's End. King Joffrey I Baratheon is one of the main antagonists of the A Song of Ice and Fire book series and its TV adaptation Game of Thrones. King Jaehaerys I Targaryen continued the use of the title Prince of Dragonstone for the heir apparent. He celebrated hard as well, but as a younger man always took care to maintain his peak fitness. His troops succeeded in the task (although Storm's End came under siege from the Tyrell armies), although Robert was briefly separated from his men and almost killed at the Battle of Stoney Sept until Eddard's forces rescued him. As much as Tyrion loathed Joffrey, he wouldn't harm him due to the taboo of kinslaying. Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His NameRobert the UsurperThe Demon of the TridentThe Whoremonger King After a moment, Tyrion agrees.[34]. Tyrion asks when he has ever slandered her before, and she reminds him of a time at Casterly Rock that he got her in serious trouble with their father: when she was nine years old, Cersei discovered that a servant girl (also nine years old) had stolen a necklace, so she had her guards beat the girl, who ended up losing an eye. They are then surrounded by men of the hill tribes, led by Shagga. He orders Grand Maester Pycelle to thank Frey and command him to send Robb Stark's head, which he will serve to Sansa at his wedding, fulfilling an earlier promise to her. Behind the scenes information Not recognising the man that Robert has become, Ned resigns his position as Hand, with Robert commanding him to return to Winterfell. Although somewhat skeptical of Melisandre's prophecies, Tyrion admits that he liked and trusted Jon's character when they traveled to the Wall together, and encourages Daenerys to make an alliance with him.[53]. Houses Arryn, Baratheon and Stark summoned their banners. Selyse and Stannis have only one living child, a sickly but intelligent daughter, Princess Shireen Baratheon. Knowing Theon, Tyrion chides him for mocking his height back at Winterfell and for the alleged murders of Bran and Rickon Stark. Despite Eddard Stark urging Robert to strip Ser Jaime Lannister of his white cloak, Robert listened to Jon's advice, and pardoned Jaime together with the master of whisperers, Lord Varys, and the Grand Maester, Pycelle,[66] and Jaime continued to serve in the Kingsguard along with Barristan. [2][5], Prince Duncan later broke that betrothal when he fell in love and married the commonborn Jenny of Oldstones. He tests the loyalty of the remaining small council members by feeding them varying plans for marriage alliances involving Princess Myrcella Baratheon. With tears in his eyes, he angrily states that he had saved King's Landing from Stannis, not Tywin or the Tyrells, and now wishes he had just let Stannis kill them all, especially after how easily they turned against him for allegedly murdering a King who, in all irony, they hated and despised. After openly noting Slynt's lack of honor, Tyrion has Lord Janos exiled to the Wall as punishment, and installs Bronn as commander of the City Watch in his place. In 283AC[N 1] the rebel and loyalist forces fought at a place that became known as the ruby ford, located on the northern bank of the Trident. Robert wanted to be loved. [58], King Aerys began to realize that Robert was the greatest threat to the Targaryen dynasty since Daemon I Blackfyre, and exiled Connington, naming Lord Qarlton Chelsted as his Hand in Connington's stead. [41] Robert enjoys visiting Edric at Storm's End, although gifts for the boy are chosen by Varys. [1], News of Lyanna Stark's kidnapping led her eldest brother, Brandon, and later her father, Lord Rickard, to King's Landing demanding justice. In the days following, Tyrion, along with other noblemen and women present in King's Landing, attend the breakfast on the morning of Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell's wedding. He was frequently described as muscular, black-haired, clean-shaven and extremely handsome, and in battle he wore an antlered helm. Tyrion points out that if all they wanted to do was fight each other to the death, they would never have agreed to this meeting. [44] Displeased that he was not chosen,[95] Stannis Baratheon, Robert's younger brother, sails from King's Landing to his own seat of Dragonstone. [118] Qyburn champions her with Ser Robert Strong, a new member of the Kingsguard. [54], The meeting is interrupted by Varys who delivers news about their decimated Greyjoy fleet. When Drogon is injured and is forced to land, Tyrion watches in horror as Jaime foolishly charges at Daenerys on the battlefield and nearly incinerated by Drogon, before being saved by Bronn.[55]. Tyrion scoffs and rhetorically asks if Cersei is going to kill every dwarf in the world in the hope of eventually catching him.[35]. [40], Robert is a man of huge appetites, who knows how to take his pleasures. At Daenerys' subsequent council meeting, Tyrion suggests capturing a Wight north of the Wall and bringing it back to Cersei as proof of their true common enemy. [48][35], Free to march north so he could join forces with Jon Arryn and the northmen,[1] Robert marched out again, leaving his younger brother Stannis in charge of Storm's End. Stannis continues with the assault, landing his troops further out in the bay to avoid the devastation of the explosion. [102] After Cersei tears up Robert's will in the throne room, Eddard announces that Joffrey has no claim to the throne and that Stannis is the true heir as Robert's younger brother. Tyrion concludes that since Drogon flew North, he and Daario must head in that direction if they are to find Daenerys, getting into an argument with Jorah over his status as a Lannister and Jorah having betrayed and been exiled twice by Daenerys. Biographical information However, they are spotted and captured by slavers bound for Volantis. Tyrion says that leaves House Tyrell, who originally sided with the Crown in Robert's Rebellion and might be willing to help her due to Cersei's recent schemes against them, but that it still isn't enough. Shagga agrees, though he notes that if Tyrion tries to renege on his promise he will cut off his manhood and feed it to the goats. Tyrion guesses that they are morose because they are in captivity. Robert rose to the occasion, with the solid and reliable support of his brother Stannis, although they were not personally close. Jon leaves, troubled. Spouse He sometimes joked that he would like to leave everything behind to become a hedge knight, lusting for freedom from the responsibility that a crown and throne thrust upon him. As a younger man, Robert was proud, tall, commanding and fierce in battle, and all agree after he died that Robert was a superb soldier. Later, in the Great Pyramid, Tyrion learns that the Unsullied have yet to find the person responsible for burning the Meereenese fleet, Astapor and Yunkai have fallen back into the slave trade and Daenerys' remaining dragons haven't been eating since their mother left. [9], Tywin Lannister's forces have been attacking Catelyn's home in the Riverlands ever since she arrested Tyrion. As the diplomatic mission enters the harbor, Grey Worm advocates using military force, though Tyrion reminds him this has already been tried, and this time they must "make peace with our enemies." Tyrion advised Jon Snow how to handle his own bastard status, which reflects Tyrion's own approach to life: take your impediment in stride and wear it like armor, so it cannot be used to hurt you. Eddard is shocked how much Robert has changed since he last saw him, at the end of Greyjoy's Rebellion. And we defend her. The meeting is very tense as both sides refuse to submit to the other's demands. Tyrion is sent to welcome Prince Doran Martell to King's Landing. After the rapid decrease in health of Jon Arryn, which culminates in his death, Robert decides to ride north to Winterfell and ask Eddard Stark to serve as Hand of the King. The swift and brutal repression of the Greyjoy rebellion earned Robert much respect, but this dwindled as he spent far too much of the realm's coin on feasting and tourneys. [113], Lord Davos Seaworth helps Edric Storm flee Dragonstone. The year after Robert took the throne, Elia's younger brother, Prince Oberyn, began plotting a rebellion in the name of the exiled Viserys. Robert slew Marq[54] and sailed back home to Storm's End to call his banners. After floating for days, the passengers are captured by slave traders. Whilst the rebel army bore down on King's Landing from the north, the armies of House Lannister arrived to reinforce the capital. He states that Daenerys once said she believes she can't have children, but that there are other ways to name an heir. The two boys became fast friends, and Jon, who had no children of his own, became like a second father to them. Once Varys arrives, Tyrion learns that the Masters of Yunkai, Astapor and Volantis are collectively funding the Sons of the Harpy. [57] [24], STOP THIS MADNESS, IN THE NAME OF YOUR KING! In the meeting chamber, the emissaries are revealed to be Tyrion's former slave master Yezzan zo Qaggaz, the Yunkai'i Wise Master Razdal mo Eraz, and the Volantene representative Belicho Paenymion. After the meeting, Tyrion, Podrick and Bronn drop by Littlefinger's office in his brothel, where he keeps his ledgers. King Bran however notices the position of Masters of War, Laws and Whisperers are vacant, which Tyrion assures will be filled before the king goes away to find Drogon. Instead, Daario advises Tyrion to stay in Meereen and rule on Daenerys's behalf, knowing of his political skills from his time as Hand of the King, with Grey Worm enforcing Tyrion's rule with the Unsullied and Missandei as interpreter, wishing him luck on keeping the city together. Robert led the rebel forces during the Battle of the Trident, the decisive battle near war's end. [31] Silver stags have been minted with Robert's face on one side and the stag on the reverse. Varys nearly loses Tyrion, but finds him observing the sermon of a Red Priestess. Tyrion promises Sansa that he will not mistreat her, and Sansa agrees there are worse Lannisters she could be wed to.[25]. Jon and his party are then forced to surrender their weapons, and they reluctantly do so. Robert Baratheon trusted Ned Stark with his life, having grown up alongside him since they were children and become brothers in all but name. [4], Tyrion spent a lot of time at court in King's Landing to avoid his father. [5] Robert's beard, a wild, thick and fierce thing,[18] hides his double chin. Tyrion and Penny are sold to Yezzan zo Qaggaz (who is vastly different from his series counterpart) in his tent in the siege camp outside Meereen; Tyrion saves Jorah from being sold for the fighting pits by persuading the mean overseer of Yezzan's slaves to buy him too, claiming that Jorah participates the show which Tyrion and Penny play. He is found by Bronn, after the battle, who brings Tyrion before his father on a medical stretcher. Allegiance Robert fell in love with Eddard's sister Lyanna, and her father Lord Rickard approved the high-profile match. He tries to discuss plans for their defense, but she insists on keeping them secret. Eddard, unable to tell Robert about Cersei's infidelity, changes the wording in Robert's will, replacing "my son Joffrey" with "my heir". Both Tyrion and Jorah are brought before Daenerys inside the Great Pyramid. Tywin also just thinks it is an embarrassment that Tyrion was born with a physical disability, seeing it as a judgement from the gods meant to humiliate him by his son's mere existence. The Hand tries to defend his friend, insisting that Varys had been the one to convince him over to their cause and that he had served her well since then, assisting his rule of Meereen and securing the alliance of Dorne and House Tyrell. He simply can't face up to his actions. Daenerys remarks that no war was won without it, which Tyrion agrees but states that fear alone isn't the right way of ruling.[57]. In the aftermath of the battle, Tyrion examines the damage on the battlefield and is present when Daenerys offers the surviving Lannister and Tarly men a choice: kneel or die. Dany grants Jon permission to mine the dragon glass and outfits him with the manpower and equipment to do so. Cersei tasks Bronn with eliminating her brothers if they survive the war against the White Walkers. When Daenerys asks him if they should lay a trap, Tyrion says it would be better to build a new world without mass murder. As Sansa begins to disrobe, Tyrion refuses, insisting that he won't bed her until she wants him to, then he passes out drunk.[25]. He used to dream of riding a dragon, imagining he was some lost Targaryen princeling, or a Valyrian dragonlord. [32], Yoren helps Gendry flee the capital. Tywin risks being caught between three armies, so he retreats to Harrenhal. [29] He leaves the task of ruling to his small council,[31] mostly to Lord Jon Arryn, his Hand of the King, and to Lord Stannis Baratheon, his younger brother and the master of ships. Tywin tells him that Roose Bolton is Warden of the North until he impregnates Sansa Stark, but Tyrion assures him that he can't and won't do it even forcefully. This controversy is what spurs Robert Baratheon's rebellion, backed by the great Houses Arryn, Greyjoy, Stark, and Tully. House Tully had also been done insult, as Brandon had been betrothed to Lord Hoster's daughter Catelyn. [117], We all know what my brother would do. Later, Tyrion meets with Jon on the grounds of Dragonstone. [123], According to George R. R. Martin, Robert is partially inspired by Edward IV of England,[125] and he also has similarities with Henry VIII of England. [24] Tyrion Lannister considers Robert to be a great blustering oaf,[26] while Varys describes him as a fool. While lingering outside the feast hall, Tyrion meets Jon Snow, Eddard Stark's bastard son and realizes he is something of a kindred spirit. With time short, Tyrion makes his way inside. Game of Thrones Varys leaves them alone and Shae removes Tyrion's bandages to reveal a scar marring his whole face. He vows that if they go to the capital, they will go with the full capacity of their forces, and if someone even touches her, they'll burn the city to the ground. Tyrion tries to initiate small talk with Missandei and Grey Worm. Tyrion reconnects with Bronn, who concedes it is good to see him again. When Cersei suggests Sansa's direwolf, Lady, be executed instead, Robert does nothing to stop it, despite loathing the suggestion. After Tyrion is introduced to Gendry, the three make their escape. Lyanna Stark was the daughter of Lord Rickard Stark and sister of Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen. Just as Pod leaves he turns around and tells Tyrion about a man whom he didn't know offering him a knighthood if he testified against him. Tyrion kills Shae after finding her in Tywin's bed. [22][1], However, some of his own remained loyal to the throne. "[53], Instead, the Greyjoy fleet will ferry the Dornish army north to lay siege to King's Landing alongside the Tyrell forces, trapping Cersei and most of her army in the capitol and starving them out. Predecessor Spouse(s) [69] Having investigated Robert's bastards and discovered Gendry[42] and Barra,[41] Eddard comes to the realization that Robert's royal children are actually Cersei's bastards born of incest with her brother, Jaime. He was the eldest son and heir of Lord Steffon Baratheon and Lady Cassana Estermont and formerly the Lord of Storm's End. [31] Despite the fact that King Aerys II Targaryen had left treasure vaults overflowing with gold, Robert's spending has left the crown in debt of over six million golden dragons (borrowing heavily from the Lannisters, the Tyrells, the Faith, and the Iron Bank of Braavos). Accompanied by Grey Worm and Missandei, Tyrion and Daenerys meet with the slave masters Razdal, Yezzan, and Belicho to parley. [ 50 ] During the battle, who concedes it is good to see him again cold attitude towards created... Slain by Ser Jaime Lannister and the Eyrie [ 54 ], Yoren helps Gendry flee the.... 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who was king before robert baratheon